Congested but Rewarding Gathering

(posted; March 18, 2012)
My ex-student's mother brought 16 members (eight mothers and their children) from Retarded Citizens Group called "Sateto-Kai" in our city with her. Main purpose of the group is to enjoy the holidays together. And she kindly coordinated today's gathering at our house. She has beautiful voice and quite a talented singer as well. It was amazing that one of the songs they sang with her today was along with sign language. Obviously, they involved with many activities.
When she told my husband about her plan and accepted it, I was kind of perplexed because of the numbers of the guests. Yes, as you can see from the pictures, my tiny house was really congested, haha.

They started with their group's song for the day,

Now, it is time for them to try or observe soba making; sorry for many pictures,

And they had soba for lunch my hubby made for them in advance. Haha, first time for me to boil soba for this many people. Relieved to see them enjoyed the tastes,

And after that, they listened to hubby's saxophone eagerly and I appreciate with thier good manner; some were session with coordinator's keyboard,

Oh, so lovely that one of the song he played was called for an encore and some girls even danced with it,

And for the last, we could hear her beautiful voice,

Well, it was a wonderful opportunity for me to come into contact with the people I wouldn't have known if it were not for her. I was moved the strong ties or bond mothers and children have;
I still have some tidying job to do (I am writing this post; hubby seeing me wondering the priority, but he is no help for that, haha); it seems I have a bad habit that when I started something I have to finish it. Sorry for the early post.  It is already half past nine at night, I'll visit you tomorrow♪♪♪ 

1 comment:

Ariel said...

Hi, good morning!
you have a lovely blog, very interesting,
a great culture!
you have a great week.